Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Pertamina Green Act

Poster above is the artwork of a high school student in Jakarta. His theme is pretty interesting. Although the picture was drew an Earth which was being in the salon, the creator of this poster was a boy! The name is Ade Ramadhani, from SMAN 47 Jakarta. He had unique and great idea. In my opinion, the Earth always be correlated with the mother or female, according to the term 'Ibu Pertiwi' or 'Mother Earth'. The story inside is the Earth was reading a women's magazine with planet Venus on the cover (Venus, Beauty Goddess symbol in Greek mythology). The articlewas told about pollutant and bad effect for skin beauty). I remember the ozone therapy, ozone therapy is commonly therapy for treatment of female beauty. It could also refers to the earth, you know, ozone of Earth is hollow? This artwork was competed in Pertamina Green Act Poster Competition 2010, with the participants came from all high school students in Jakarta. Although not became a champion, however, this beautiful artwork became into the top 10 finalist stage. Congratulations! Keep on practice with great ideas and creations! I'm very proud to have a friend who would invite or inspire others to love the environment.
Photo : Pertamina Green Act Document